Himalayan Bath Salts for Sole Baths
Spiritual Quest’s bath salts make a soothing addition to any bath—in fact, there’s even a name for it—Sole Bath. To prepare for your Sole Bath, place a cup (10 oz. to 16 oz. by weight) of Himalayan salt in a sealable quart jar and fill it with hot water the night before you plan on taking your bath. Turn the jar over occasionally to ensure the Himalayan salt dissolves thoroughly. Just prior to your bath, drink a tablespoon of this Himalayan salt and water mixture, followed by a glass of water. Then, pour the dissolved Himalayan salt solution into your tub and fill it with water at a temperature of 98° (as close to your natural body temperature as possible). Soak in the tub for 30 minutes. After your bath, let your skin air dry and breathe.
The reason Sole Baths are said to be cleansing is that a regular bath extracts moisture from your skin, while with a Himalayan Salt Sole Bath minerals are absorbed by your skin as toxins are released through osmosis. Sole Baths reduces acidity and inflammation and balances the pH of your skin and is said to have the cleansing effect of a three day juice fast. Himalayan salt contains the same 84 trace minerals found in the human body which is a big reason why Sole Baths are so beneficial.
Spiritual Quest’s bath salts make a soothing addition to any bath—in fact, there’s even a name for it—Sole Bath. To prepare for your Sole Bath, place a cup (10 oz. to 16 oz. by weight) of Himalayan salt in a sealable quart jar and fill it with hot water the night before you plan on taking your bath. Turn the jar over occasionally to ensure the Himalayan salt dissolves thoroughly. Just prior to your bath, drink a tablespoon of this Himalayan salt and water mixture, followed by a glass of water. Then, pour the dissolved Himalayan salt solution into your tub and fill it with water at a temperature of 98° (as close to your natural body temperature as possible). Soak in the tub for 30 minutes. After your bath, let your skin air dry and breathe.
The reason Sole Baths are said to be cleansing is that a regular bath extracts moisture from your skin, while with a Himalayan Salt Sole Bath minerals are absorbed by your skin as toxins are released through osmosis. Sole Baths reduces acidity and inflammation and balances the pH of your skin and is said to have the cleansing effect of a three day juice fast. Himalayan salt contains the same 84 trace minerals found in the human body which is a big reason why Sole Baths are so beneficial.
What Makes Himalayan Salt Special
Himalayan salt is truly one of nature’s wonders. It contains the 84 trace minerals and elements found in the human body. It emits natural ions to combat today’s high levels of EMF caused by cell phones and other modern appliances. Himalayan salt’s natural properties are said to promote relief from allergies, asthma and other respiratory conditions and provide therapeutic benefits to skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. Additionally, the natural occurring minerals and elements in Himalayan salt give it a distinctive appearance with colorful orange, red and pink striations throughout.
When it comes to salt, Spiritual Quest is a firm believer in the natural wellness properties of Himalayan salt. Spiritual Quest has been providing natural, drug-free, holistic wellness solutions for the home for over twenty years.
Had my first Sole bath last night. Today I feel like a new person.
November 19, 2020 by Jenny N.
Love my salt bath tea bags.
October 15, 2020 by Jasmine P.
I love Himalayan salt baths. Very refreshing.
August 7, 2020 by Larry E.
Himalayan salt comes from the primordial seas that dried up millions of years ago. This salt has the exact chemical structure that we have in our bodies. When the body has all of the elements it needs to run correctly, you are left feeling healthier, with more energy, which benefits breathing and sleeping, and provides a more positive mental outlook.
We ensure that all Himalayan salt used in Spiritual Quest’s products has been hand-mined so the integrity of the salt is never in question. Some companies are known to use explosives to mine their salt. This is a much faster and cheaper method of extraction, but the structure of the salt can be compromised in the process. With Spiritual Quest your products are always made from 100% natural Grade A Himalayan crystal salt that still contains all of the same elements as when it is found. While it costs more to mine salt his way, Spiritual Quest believes that quality should be the first concern. We want our customers to get as much enrichment out of our products as possible, every time.
One of the signatures of a Sole bath is that it is designed to mirror the ionic makeup and temperature of the amniotic fluid in the womb. The salt content in our bodies is around 0.9% which means that an average size bathtub requires around two pounds of Himalayan salt. The temperature of the water should be as close to 98.6° Fahrenheit as possible.
Have you ever noticed how your skin wrinkles like a prune if you stay in a regular bath for an extended period of time, while you can spend a day swimming in the ocean and your skin looks refreshed? That’s one of the principles of a Sole bath—unlike regular baths, the Sole bath does not extract moisture from your skin. In fact, during a Sole bath reverse osmosis takes place as your body absorbs minerals from the Himalayan salt and releases toxins. Sole baths reduce acidity and inflammation and balance your skin’s pH levels. This is good for your body and soul.
bath salt
Lorem Ipsum is simply: dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum is simply: dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
About SpiritualQuest
Himalayan salt baths are both relaxing and healthy. The unique properties of Himalayan salt help it revitalize the skin while releasing toxins.
Whether you’re looking for a meditation aid or just want to boost the air quality and ambiance around you, SpiritualQuest has the perfect Himalayan salt product for you.
All of our Himalayan Salt Products are ISO 9001:2008 Certified
7901 Somerset Blvd
Suite B, Rear
Paramount, CA 90723