Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ

Yes we can ship to any state in the union for you. please make a note that in the check out process you can specify where you want your lamps or gifts sent. It is our pleasure to also be available from 8:30 am to 6pm PST. 6 days a week for any questions you may have.
Our main focus is to make it easy for companies or individuals to get started with us on a wholesale level. Our wholesale clients often want more detailed information. If this is you please call us at (877) 535-2267 Monday through Saturday during our normal business hours so we can guide you through your order.

Himalayan Salt Lamp FAQ

Himalayan Salt Lamps are made from naturally formed crystals that come from deep inside the Southern Himalayan Mountains. The Salt is some 250 million years old and has been mined for many uses. These large crystals are hollowed out so that a light source can be places inside them and cause them to glow with the magnificent color striations that naturally occur in Himalayan salt. Salt lamps have a natural ability to promote peace and calm and some report significant health benefits.
There is only one place in the world where you can obtain real Himalayan crystal salt. This salt is mined from the foothills of the Himalayan Mountain range in Tibet. The natives there have known the wonders of Himalayan salt for centuries, and now you too can experience better breathing, increased energy, sharper mental acuity, a happier mental outlook, and more with this miracle of nature. Himalayan salt comes from the primordial seas that dried up millions of years ago. This salt has the exact chemical structure that we have in our bodies. When the body has all of the elements it needs to run correctly, you are left feeling healthier, with more energy, which benefits breathing and sleeping, and provides a more positive mental outlook. We ensure that all Himalayan salt used in Spiritual Quest’s products has been hand-mined so the integrity of the salt is never in question. Some companies are known to use explosives to mine their salt. This is a much faster and cheaper method of extraction, but the structure of the salt can be compromised in the process. With Spiritual Quest your products are always made from 100% natural Grade A Himalayan crystal salt that still contains all of the same elements as when it is found. While it costs more to mine salt his way, Spiritual Quest believes that quality should be the first concern. We want our customers to get as much enrichment out of our products as possible, every time.

The most common benefits are the beautiful and calming colors and the generation of natural, negative ions. When it comes to color, our lamps are always in the red orange and pink color ranges. Theses colors have been reported to promote peace calm and a sense of security. We like to say our lamps help to create an environment of peace and calm, much like that of sitting at a campfire. As to the benefits of Negative Ions – science suggests that when water and moisture evaporate from the surface of the salt lamps, negative ion counts increase. As written in the book, Water & Salt: The Essence of Life: the Healing Power of Nature by Barbara Hendel and Peter Ferreira, negative ions help in many areas, such as relieving asthma, snoring, allergies and while helping one feel at one with nature.

The truth is anyone can benefit from the use of Himalayan salt lamps. Once plugged in, they begin to glow, and healing and happiness follow. They are a natural way for people of all ages to have fewer symptoms from allergies, asthma, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, and any other sort of breathing problem. When placed near your bed, the Himalayan lamps will make it easier to sleep, since you won’t find yourself waking up throughout the night from coughing and stuffiness. Since they are an all-natural product, there is never any concern about side effects or taking too much medication. Even people that lead very stressful lives have felt calmed through the use of genuine Himalayan salt lamps. People say they have an easier time concentrating, and they can center themselves in a new way after using their lamps on a regular basis. Anyone that wants to feel better and wants less breathing and sinus problems can do so with the Spiritual Quest salt lamps. They make the air fresher, easier to breathe, with less dust, allergens, and EMF waves. They are nature’s way of helping us to have healthier, happier lives.

Actually, that is a very common question or misunderstanding—not all salt lamps are created equal.  As with anything in life, there is a quality scale to all manufactured products. Salt is no different. Himalayan Salt comes in many different quality grades, ranging from industrial to human quality edible. Some companies grade the salt with a letter grade.  These range from an industrial grade of “D” or “C” all the way to a home decor grade of A or B.  SpiritualQuest only utilizes the highest A Grade salt available, which in turn means a consistently higher quality product. In addition, our lamps are made by skilled craftsman that use only hand forming techniques without the use of any harsh chemicals.

Yes, different shapes are available.  Which shape you choose is really more of a personal preference than anything else.  We always tell our customers that the lamp or product that first caught your eye is most likely the one you should order. Usually, we have many options available such as value packages that have offers like “buy two get one free.”  Please remember that all lamps are naturally formed and are all slightly different. Some of the shapes, color and contrasts will vary from lamp to lamp.

The process that Himalayan salt lamps use to change unhealthy positive ions to healthy negative ions is quite simple. When there is moisture in the air, and your lamp is turned on, this moisture is taken in by the salt lamp. The positive ions are rendered harmless, and the lamp generates beneficial negative ions into the surrounding air. These negative ions can help with many everyday concerns like asthma, allergies, fatigue, bad smells, and much more. The Himalayan salt lamp cleans the air, much like an ionizer, but without the need for expensive filters or cleaning—plus it looks better.

The only maintenance your salt lamp needs is to be wiped with a soft cloth if excess moisture builds up on the lamp. As long as you keep it away from too much water, your salt lamp will give you years of natural negative ion output.

Many people that buy one salt lamp end up ordering lamps for their entire home because they love the way their home smells, and they adore being able to enjoy cleaner, fresher air, which contains less dust and allergens. All of these beautiful benefits can be gained through the use of a simple Himalayan salt lamp from Spiritual Quest.

This is a question many people wonder about when they first hear about Himalayan salt lamps. Today, Spiritual Quest has a wide variety of salt lamps in different colors, shapes, and sizes that fit in nicely with anyone’s decor. These lamps are so lovely that people say they would have them even if they didn’t give them any health benefits.

They come in naturally occurring colors like oranges, reds, yellows and whites. You can pick from small salt lamps all the way to huge ones. People choose salt lamps often based on the size of the room in which they are placed. The larger the lamp, the greater amount of negative ions it will produce. The larger lamps can allow you to get massive ion generation no matter how big your rooms are. Spiritual Quest Himalayan Salt Lamps are available in fun shapes like pyramids, seashells, bowls, healing towers, spheres, feng shui, rose shaped and much more. The only limit is your imagination. We also have healing massage stones, bath salts, baskets full of salt crystals and much more on their site.

The biggest one you can afford. There are three reasons for this. 

  1. The bigger the salt lamp the more natural, healthy ions it generates.
  2. The bigger the better.  Big salt lamps just look better than little ones.
  3. The bigger the salt lamp, the more your money is going for the salt lamp rather than for shipping as per pound freight costs decrease as the weight goes up.

There’s a simple formula.  Decide on which room you want to put your salt lamp.  Figure out the square footage of that room.  Divide the square footage by 10.  The resulting number is the minimum size, in pounds, of the salt lamp for that room.  For example: let’s say you are putting your salt lamp in a 10′ x 12′ room.  That means the room is 120 square feet.  Dividing 120 by 10 means you want at least a 12 pound salt lamp which would be our XL Salt Lamp. This formula is based on the natural ion output of Himalayan salt which is calculated as one pound of Himalayan salt covers 10 square feet with natural ions.  Always remember, you can’t have too many natural ions, so bigger is always better.

Float Tank FAQ

Since the purpose of a float tank is to eliminate sensory information, it needs to be big enough that you can float without touching any of the sides.  Make sure you check the dimensions as well because many float tanks will not fit through a standard size door and conducting float tank sessions in your garage is not the best environment.

If the float tank is properly cleaned and the water filtered and sterilized between sessions you should be fine.  The problem is that you can never be sure when visiting a float tank spa what their cleaning routine is—in which case, the float tank may only be as sanitary as the last person to use it before you.  Bear in mind that draining a float tank, sterilizing and filtering the water, and then refilling the float tank can take several hours, so if the float tank spa you attend is scheduling back-to-back sessions, then you should be concerned.

If your hair is natural—i.e. it’s not colored or permed or keratin treated it should be fine.  Salt is actually beneficial to natural hair as long as you thoroughly rinse it out after your session.

Float tanks are less dangerous than swimming pools because of the natural buoyancy provided by the super saturated salt solution they use.  Some people even fall asleep while floating.  That said, make sure you have a “spotter” who can supervise your float experience in case you run into any problems.

Float tanks work best when the water is as close to body temperature as possible (98.6° F).  This is warmer than a swimming pool but cooler than a hot shower.

During a sensory deprivation or float tank session, you are disconnected from auditory, olfactory, gustatory and visual sensory stimulation.  You are also disconnected from gravity due to the natural buoyancy of the floating solution—it’s similar to being weightless in outer space.  This allows you to connect more deeply with your inner self and mind for an introspective experience. 

Sensory deprivation has many beneficial effects.  It can reduce tension and stress.  It can improve your sleep quality.  It can reduce your blood pressure.  It can speed up your muscle recovery.  It can help you meditate without trying.  It can enhance your creativity.  It can allow you to get in touch with your inner being which is fundamental for self-improvement.

The best results from a sensory deprivation tank float session come from floating in the nude.  Some people choose to wear goggles and earplugs.  If you normally wear these when swimming in a pool, then go ahead and use them.

Infrared Sauna FAQ

It’s important to understand that a hangover results from excess drinking of alcohol which dehydrates the body.  Sweating in a sauna leads to even more dehydration.  The best results for a sauna helping a hangover will come from drinking a lot of water, eating a proper meal and conducting a light workout prior to a sauna session.

Ideally, you should shower both before and after your sauna session.  Prior to your session, you should take a hot shower to open your skin pores.  Make sure you dry off thoroughly before you enter the sauna to encourage sweating.  After your sauna session, your pores will be wide open, so you will want to wash off all the toxins your body has exuded by taking a warm shower. 

Infrared saunas are safe to use on a daily basis.  The more often you use your sauna, the more beneficial it will be.  We recommend using your sauna three to four times a week for 30-45 minutes at a time.

Yes, you can.  Even a 15-minute sauna session can help you lose up to five pounds of water weight.  For years, professional boxers have used saunas to cut their weight prior to weigh-in.  Sitting in an infrared sauna is a passive form of exercise which speeds up your metabolism and burns up to 80 calories per 30 minutes.

Yes, it will.  The high heat of the sauna is bad for the phone and its internal circuitry.  It also can adversely affect your battery life and can even lead to your battery exploding or cause permanent damage to your SIM card.  Since the purpose of being in a sauna is to relax, why would you even consider bringing your phone into one?  But, if you absolutely need to be on the phone, leave it outside and connect via bluetooth.

We highly recommend that you don’t bring cell phones, tablets, laptops or other electronic devices into the sauna.  Not only are they counter-productive to your being able to relax during the sauna session, but they can also explode when exposed to the high temperatures found in infrared saunas.

As a general rule, sauna sessions should run between 15 and 30 minutes at first.  Gradually, you can work your way up to 45-minute sessions.  The longer you stay in a sauna, the more dehydrated you will become so make sure you drink plenty of water before, during and after your sauna session.

A sauna session will burn up to 80 calories per half-hour which is roughly the same amount as you’d burn walking for the same amount of time.

Check with your doctor.  For the most part, medical practitioners advise against using a sauna while pregnant so you don’t get overheated.

While saunas are generally safe to use on a regular basis, we highly recommend you talk to your doctor before you use a sauna if you are pregnant or have a heart condition and follow their advice. 

You should wear as little as possible in the sauna.  Naked is best.  If you must wear clothing make sure it is loose fitting.  While infrared waves will penetrate clothing, they do lose some of their “power” before they get to your body.  Make sure you take off your jewelry prior to entering the sauna—you don’t want to burn yourself when your earrings or bracelets or necklaces or rings get super-hot from the sauna.

 If possible, you should wear nothing during your sauna session.  That way the infrared rays can penetrate all areas of your body.  Remember, infrared waves are light, and light can’t penetrate clothing.  Also, make sure you remove all jewelry including watches, necklaces, rings, piercings, etc. as metal will retain the heat of the sauna and can possibly burn you.

Some experts advise using the sauna before a workout, others advise using it after.  One benefit of using a sauna before you workout is that it helps your body warmup and be ready for exercise.  One benefit of using a sauna after you workout is that it can help flush your body of the wastes that have built up in your muscles and joints from exercising.  No two people are the same, so we advise trying both before and after and see which works better for you.  Another thought would be to keep workouts and sauna sessions apart from each other so you can experience the full benefits of each.

We recommend using your sauna before you workout.  Since infrared saunas are a passive form of exercise, a sauna session acts much like stretching and warming up exercises that precede a workout.  After your workout, you want to give your body time to recover and the passive form of exercise created by the sauna will delay your body’s recovery process.

 Sauna sessions have plenty of wellness benefits.  They increase your blood circulation and stimulate your sweat glands to secrete built-up toxins.  They reduce stress and fatigue.  They can help you lose weight and speed up your metabolism.  They can soothe achy muscles and joint pain.  They can improve your skin. 

Salt Wall And Salt Brick FAQ

Building a salt wall is not for the novice.  You want to consider location—your salt wall should be built in a dry area that is not subject to high humidity levels.  You want to consider weight.  Each brick in the salt wall can weigh up to five pounds.  A salt wall that covers a standard room wall can weigh as much as a ton.  You want to make sure your floor can support the salt wall.  You want to consider how you are going to backlight the wall when it’s completed.  Finally, you need to figure out how you will keep the bricks in place.  We use proprietary systems for backlighting and keeping the bricks in our salt walls in place.  Again, let us stress—building a salt wall is a special craft and not for the novice.

Absolutely.  That’s exactly why we designed our salt walls to be modular.  Many of our customers have done so with spectacular results.  You can stack them vertically and horizontally to create a larger salt wall.  You can even gang them all together so you can control all the panels’ LED backlighting simultaneously with just one remote.

Yes, it certainly can.  However, if you look at the photo of the wall sideways (like it would be if placed horizontally) you’ll notice that the individual bricks will run vertically.  Our eyes expect to see bricks stacked horizontally.  We usually make our tall walls so the bricks run horizontally when the wall is placed vertically.  If you notify us at the time you order, we can create a 2’ x 5’ “long” wall that is designed to be displayed horizontally and have the bricks run horizontally.

The easiest way to install a salt wall is to purchase a pre-assembled salt wall panel from us.  These come with the backlighting already in place so you literally only need to hang them on the wall (make sure you know where your wall studs are) and plug them in.

Salt naturally attracts water and wet salt dissolves, so placing a salt wall in your bathroom is problematic.  You can seal the salt bricks with an acrylic coating to keep the moisture out, but this will prohibit the salt bricks from being exposed to the air and rob you of the natural benefits Himalayan salt provides when exposed to the air.

Regardless of where you place your salt wall, it will provide a stunning, aesthetically pleasing display—in other words, they are great to look at.  In addition to the great visuals salt walls provide, they are beneficial to your overall wellness. 

Salt walls, combined with heat from being backlit, give off negative ions.  These naturally occurring ions scrub the surrounding air of dirt particles, pollens and other allergens.  Cleaner air means better breathing and fewer allergies.  Additionally, salt walls provide a form of light therapy with their warm, striated colors when backlit.  This can help you relax and recharge.

Please take care when heating a natural plate like our Himalayan Salt Plates. When heating the salt plate, it is important to do it is a slow methodical manner heating the salt too fast can cause a natural cracking in the salt. Unfortunately, when using all natural items we do have to accept that nature is unpredictable. in order to avoid any rapid heat shock. We recommend using out salt plate on whatever heating surface be it an oven, grill or hot plate, its best to start from a room temp or slightly cool salt plate, then warm up your salt brick, plate or slab,slowly it will be well worth the effort Enjoy.

Salt Therapy FAQ

Salt therapy relies on salt’s anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and astringent properties.  Salt absorption therapy benefits our body’s respiratory tract and integumentary systems.  Salt inhalation therapy benefits our body’s respiratory system.  Salt consumption therapy benefits our body’s digestive and circulatory tracts.

It depends on what your therapeutic goals are.  Salt caves and salt walls use a passive form of salt therapy—with salt caves the effects are limited to the size of the salt cave.  Salt walls can cover a larger space and provide a wonderful, relaxing ambience to any room.  They both promote cleaner air by removing allergens and negating EMF waves from their surroundings.  Salt caves provide the additional benefits of heat therapy which promotes detoxification.  They both serve as aids to relaxation.  Salt rooms use halotherapy, an active from of salt therapy, to create a dry salt mist in the surrounding atmosphere that benefits respiratory and skin conditions.

While we were in the planning stages of building our salt caves for in-home use, we realized two things: 1) salt cave therapy relies on the natural negative ions that Himalayan salt produces.  The warmer the Himalayan salt, the more ions it produces;  2) these ions disperse rapidly so the closer in proximity you are to the Himalayan salt the better, and if you are in an enclosed space with Himalayan salt the benefits increase even further. Since we already had a line of saunas, it made a lot of sense for us to combine the two.  Recently, we’ve upgraded all of our saunas to be full-spectrum units which means you also receive the therapeutic benefits of Chromatherapy. 

Absolutely.  This is precisely the reason we created SpiritualQuest.  We believe that many spa type treatments such as salt therapy, float therapy and sauna therapy are more effective when done in the comfort and privacy of your home where they can be scheduled to your convenience and not be adversely affected by driving to and from a spa.

Salt caves rely on the natural ions released by Himalayan salt when it is warmed.  These natural ions clean the air of dust, pollen and other harmful microbes as well as counter act EMF waves.  This benefits those who suffer allergies, asthma and other related respiratory conditions.  The natural ions also impart a sense of well-being, calmness and relaxation.

At SpiritualQuest we define salt cave therapy as a passive form of wellness.  Salt cave therapy relies on the natural ions Himalayan salt releases when warmed.  These ions counter EMF waves and clean the air of pollen, dust and unhealthy microbes.  These natural ions are found at the ocean when waves crash on the shore or at the base of a waterfall.  They enhance feelings of calmness and relaxation and impart a sense of well-being.

Commercial salt caves found in salt spas are only as sanitary as the last person using them before you.  SpiritualQuest offers salt cave products specifically designed for in-home use.  This means you always know who used the salt cave last and can control the sanitary conditions of your personal salt cave.

Naturally occurring underground salt caves are usually around 70° F.  SpiritualQuest’s approach to salt caves for the home is a bit different in that we use sauna heating elements to get the temperature to around 100° F which unlocks the natural occurring ions found in Himalayan salt.  These ions clean the surrounding air of dust, pollen and other allergens and impart a sense of peacefulness and relaxation.

A HaloGenerator is a device that grinds pharmaceutical grade rock salt into microscopic particles and then disperses them into the surrounding air.  It is the basic component of salt rooms and halotherapy.  This dry salt mist is said to be beneficial to a wide range of respiratory ailments.

Those who use salt inhalation therapy say that it attracts the water in our airways to dilute the mucus collections, making it easier to expectorate phlegm.  This promotes better breathing and relieves symptoms of COPD.

Salt inhalation therapy attracts the water in our breathing passages which helps dilute the mucus collected there.  This makes it easier to clear the lungs and breathe and provides relief from asthma symptoms. 

Absolutely.  This is precisely the reason we created SpiritualQuest.  We believe that many spa type treatments such as salt therapy, float therapy and sauna therapy are more effective when done in the comfort and privacy of your home where they can be scheduled to your convenience and not be adversely affected by driving to and from a spa.

Halotherapy (Halo means salt in Greek) involves using a HaloGenerator to create a dry mist of microscopic salt particles.  This dry mist is inhaled where salts natural anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and astringent properties can aid in clearing the respiratory system.

In theory, you can place your HaloGenerator anywhere you want to.  In reality, you need to consider a few things before you decide where to put it. Your HaloGenerator will distribute an ultra-fine salt mist in the surrounding air when in use.  This mist will settle and over time you will be left with a covering of salt residue on anything in the area.  Not only is this unattractive, but it can be a real pain to clean up, and it certainly doesn’t do electronics or anything metallic any favors.

HaloGenerators grind or crush pharmaceutical salt into microscopic particles (0.5 microns to 10 microns).  These particles, about the size of a bacteria cell, are invisible to the naked eye.  After grinding the salt to size, the halo generator then uses a fan or blower to disperse these salt particles as a dry mist.

Halo Therapy is the inhalation of the dry salt mist created by a HaloGenerator.  This therapy makes use of the natural anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and astringent properties of salt to relieve respiratory problems.  It is a natural, drug free, holistic therapy designed to benefit respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, snoring and sinusitis. 

Depending on your HaloGenerator, and how long you choose for your Halo Therapy sessions to last, ten pounds of pharmaceutical grade salt should be sufficient for at least 100 sessions.

You should only use pharmaceutical grade salt.  This is the only form of salt that will dissolve 100% in water so it doesn’t stay in the lungs.  As much as we love our Himalayan salt, the very minerals that give rise to the fabulous colors in Himalayan salt crystals won’t dissolve in water and they will remain in your respiratory system. 

Salt Room Cabin FAQ

At SpiritualQuest we define salt room therapy as an active form of wellness.  Salt room therapy consists of inhaling a dry salt mist, created by a HaloGenerator, in a closed environment.  This therapy relies on the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and astringent properties of salt to perform a “deep cleaning” of the lungs.

You certainly can create a salt room in your home.  SpiritualQuest offers several products that can help you create your very own, custom salt room.  The main consideration you need to take into account is where to place your salt room—salt room therapy (halotherapy) depends on inducing a dry mist of microscopic salt particles into the air.  While this mist is beneficial to both your respiratory system and your skin, it can damage electronics and can be a pain to clean up if it gets into carpets or upholstery.  SpiritualQuest offers self-contained, enclosed salt rooms for this very reason. 

We recommend two the three sessions per week, with each session lasting around 45 minutes to an hour.  If you notice beneficial results from this schedule, you might consider increasing the number of weekly sessions to see if there is an increase in the benefits.  Conversely, if you experience any discomfort, cut back on the number of weekly sessions.

 Salt Therapy is said to benefit many respiratory conditions due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and astringent properties.  These include:

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • COPD
  • Snoring
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Emphysema
  • Sinusitis

Salt Therapy is said to benefit many skin conditions due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and astringent properties.  These include:

  • Acne
  • Dermatitis
  • Dry and Flaky Skin
  • Eczema
  • Rosacea
  • Psoriasis

SpiritualQuest defines a salt room or a salt cabin as an enclosed space into which a dry mist of microscopic salt particles is dispersed by using a HaloGenerator.  This dry salt mist makes use of salt’s natural anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and astringent properties.  When inhaled, this dry salt mist can clear out the airway passages of the respiratory system.  Externally, this dry salt mist can promote healthier skin.

While you can wear anything you want in a salt room, be advised that the salt mist will land on your clothing and can cause stains.  Additionally, for your skin to receive the natural benefits of salt it needs to be exposed to the dry salt mist of the salt room.  Clothing gets in the way of this.

Years ago, people who suffered from asthma and other respiratory ailments often moved to the desert as they found the dry, warm climate made it easier to breathe.  Salt rooms work in much the same way to lessen the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, COPD and emphysema. 

Eating too much salt has been linked to high blood pressure.  Salt therapy involves inhaling a dry salt mist.  Eating salt involves the digestive tract.  Inhaling salt involves the respiratory tract. It makes sense that there’s a difference, but as always with medical issues, we strongly advise you consult your doctor, especially if you suffer from high blood pressure.

Salt Cave FAQ

At SpiritualQuest we define salt cave therapy as a passive form of wellness.  Salt cave therapy relies on the natural ions Himalayan salt releases when warmed.  These ions counter EMF waves and clean the air of pollen, dust and unhealthy microbes.  These natural ions are found at the ocean when waves crash on the shore or at the base of a waterfall.  They enhance feelings of calmness and relaxation and impart a sense of well-being.

Salt caves rely on the natural ions released by Himalayan salt when it is warmed.  These natural ions clean the air of dust, pollen and other harmful microbes as well as counter act EMF waves.  This benefits those who suffer allergies, asthma and other related respiratory conditions.  The natural ions also impart a sense of well-being, calmness and relaxation.

Commercial salt caves found in spas are only as sanitary as the last person using them before you.  SpiritualQuest offers salt cave products specifically designed for in-home use.  This means you always know who used the salt cave last and can control the sanitary conditions of your personal salt cave.

Naturally occurring underground salt caves are usually around 70° F.  SpiritualQuest’s approach to salt caves for the home is a bit different in that we use sauna heating elements to get the temperature to around 100° F which unlocks the natural occurring ions found in Himalayan salt.  These ions clean the surrounding air of dust, pollen and other allergens and impart a sense of peacefulness and relaxation.

 Negative ions are naturally produced by Himalayan salt.  They have been found quite effective in reducing asthma, allergies, and other breathing problems, in addition to soothing irritated skin and restoring ionic balance within the body.  These ions counterbalance Electric Magnetic Frequencies (EMFs) and positive ions for a better life balance.  When used as recommended, both the salt cave sauna and the salt wall panel salt cave will increase the negative ion count of the surrounding air as much as 600%. 

Yes, it can.  Rock salt, including Himalayan salt, is a very effective dehumidifier as it is a hygroscopic substance which means it draws water out of the air and stores it through absorption.

A salt cave session consists of the time you spend in a negative ion inducing environment.  If you choose to go the Salt Cave Sauna route, your sessions will likely range from 30 minutes to an hour—the same amount of time you would normally spend in an infrared sauna with the additional benefits of maximum exposure to negative ions.  If you choose the Salt Cave Salt Wall Panel option, your sessions can be as long as you want—all that’s required is that you position yourself in close proximity to the salt wall panels.

Sole Bath FAQ

A Sole bath is done in a bathtub filled with a super saturated solution of water and Himalayan salt. Have you ever noticed how your skin wrinkles like a prune if you stay in a regular bath for an extended period of time, while you can spend a day swimming in the ocean and your skin looks refreshed?  That’s one of the principles of a Sole bath—unlike regular baths, the Sole bath does not extract moisture from your skin.  In fact, during a Sole bath reverse osmosis takes place as your body absorbs minerals from the Himalayan salt and releases toxins.  Sole baths reduce acidity and inflammation and balance your skin’s pH levels.  This is good for your body and soul.

One of the signatures of a Sole bath is that it is designed to mirror the ionic makeup and temperature amniotic fluid in the womb.  The salt content in our bodies is around 0.9% which means that an average size bathtub requires around two pounds of Himalayan salt.  The temperature of the water should be as close to 98.6° Fahrenheit.

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